Looking for a camper van rental so you can check off multiple National Parks in one big road trip without dealing with hotels or setting up a tent every night? Or maybe you’re thinking about #vanlife, but you’re not 100% sure you want to commit fully? A campervan rental for your next US road trip will give you the opportunity to experience van life, get off the beaten path, and have a more spontaneous adventure.

With the increasing popularity of van life, camper van rental companies are popping up across the country so no matter where you’d like to adventure, there’s a good chance you’ll find a campervan rental near you.

To help you find the right camper van rental for your next road trip, in this roundup we share an extensive list of camper van rental companies in the US, including options from east to west. We break down locations, the types of vans available, pricing, and more so you can narrow down your search.

Also, before you go, check out our Van Life 101 guide to learn more about van life whether for a short-term stint via a camper van rental or if you’re looking to do van life longer term. And be sure to grab our packing checklist below as well!


Van Life Packing Checklist

Get this free PDF that will help you pack up your van in a jiffy.

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    Why Rent a Camper Van?

    Renting a camper van can provide an elevated road trip experience by pairing some of the comforts of home with the freedom of the open road.

    With a camper van, you’ll have everything you need with you including a bed, kitchen, indoor seating space, and in some cases, even a bathroom. There’s no need to set up camp and pitch a tent every night, so you’ll have the flexibility to camp in more places and will be able to move around more easily.

    Plus, depending on where you want to travel, daily rental fees may be cheaper than a hotel room, and you can also save by cooking your own meals since most rental camper vans come with a sink, cooking equipment, fridge (or at least a cooler), and a stove.

    Many people also rent a camper van to give van life a try before diving in and committing to buying a van themselves. It’s also a great way to test out a certain type of camper van model and layout to see if it’s the right fit for you.

    Start your van life journey

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    Considerations for Renting a Campervan


    With the growing popularity of van life, there are a growing number of camper van rental companies out there offering campervan rentals of all types for all budgets. That means you’ve got a good chance of finding a campervan rental at the right price for you.

    Base pricing generally includes a certain number of daily miles (usually starting at 100 miles/day included, sometimes more) with an additional cost per mile if you go over.

    Camper van rental companies often provide basics like bedding, camp chairs, a camp table, and cooking supplies although this varies and may not be included in some of the more budget campervan rentals. Most camper van rental companies also offer add-ons for an extra fee such as portable toilets, rooftop tents, and bike racks.

    Be aware that you may need to pay a deposit and cleaning fee in addition to the rental fee, so be sure to read the company’s FAQs or discuss this with them before booking.

    Seating & Sleeping Space

    You’ll want to make sure the rental camper van you’re looking at can safely seat and sleep the number of people that you’ll be road tripping with. For example, some campervans have bench seating in the back, but these seats don’t always have seatbelts and aren’t meant to be used while driving.

    Some campervan rentals offer a rooftop tent in addition to indoor sleeping space so you can have two separate sleeping areas. And some rental companies offer an add-on camping tent you can pitch if you need more sleeping space as well.


    Some camper van rental companies include a variety of amenities in their rental fee, and some offer them as add-ons for an additional fee. Make sure you’re clear on what’s included in the price so you can plan accordingly.

    From a fully stocked kitchen with a stove, cookware, and dishes to camp chairs, an outdoor table, and bedding, some camper van rentals come with all the amenities you need to cook and relax on your road trip.

    On the other hand, some budget rental campervans are a little more bare bones so you’ll need to bring camping, cooking, and sleeping supplies with you.

    You generally pay for what you get, so if you need the convenience of having all the amenities supplied (for example, if you’re flying to your destination and you don’t want to deal with bringing everything with you), then you’ll want to look for a campervan rental company who provides everything you need.

    If you’ll be picking up a camper van near home and can load it up with everything you need for your trip, you can likely save some money by bringing your own gear.

    Bathroom Facilities

    Some camper van rentals come complete with a shower and toilet (usually a porta potty), and some don’t. If a bathroom is a must for you, make sure this is something you look for when searching for rentals, but be aware you’ll likely pay a little more as well.

    If you plan to camp at campgrounds where bathrooms and showers are readily available, you can likely go without these luxuries and save some money. And if you plan on finding free campsites without facilities, you can likely get by with a portable shower and portable toilet system if you don’t mind roughing it a little.


    We’ve noticed that most camper van rental companies will allow dogs for an additional fee, although there is one company on our list below that lets dogs join the adventure for free, and there are a few who don’t allow them at all.

    Be sure to look into this before booking if you plan on road tripping with your dog.

    Age Requirements

    You must be at least 21 years old to rent an RV or camper van in the US.

    Many campervan rental companies charge an additional fee for drivers who are under the age of 25 due to additional insurance costs.


    When looking into renting a camper van, you’ll want to look into insurance requirements and pricing as well. Some camper van rental companies include insurance in their daily rates, while some add on an additional daily fee for insurance.

    Most camper van rental companies do not allow you to be covered by your personal auto policy or credit card for campervan rentals. This is because most basic auto policies do not cover campervans that are classified as Class B RVs. Be sure to check with your insurance company prior to booking a campervan rental and ask specifically if your policy includes Class B RV coverage.

    One Way Campervan Rentals

    Depending on your road trip plans, you may want to start in one location and end in another to make the most of your time and avoid backtracking. If that’s the case, check with the campervan rental company to see if they charge an additional fee for one-way rentals.

    In some cases, we’ve seen rental companies offer discounts on certain one way routes when they need a van transported from one location to another – that’s something to look out for as well.

    Vanlife couple standing in front of campfire and a campervan under the Milky Way at night

    Peer-to-Peer Camper Van Rentals

    With the rising popularity of van life, there are now a handful of peer-to-peer campervan rental companies where people rent out their own campervans – kind of like Airbnb but for camper van rentals. This allows owners to earn extra income by renting out their campervans when they’re not using them, and it gives travelers the chance to pick from a variety of campervan models, layouts, and interior designs.

    These peer-to-peer campervan rental sites allow you to easily search for campervans available in your area or in the area you plan on traveling to.

    Peer-to-peer camper van rental companies you’ll find on our complete list below include Outdoorsy and GoCamp. The rest of the companies on our list are all camper van rental companies that own a fleet of converted campervans.

    Woman standing on top of a green VW Vanagon campervan parked on the side of the road alongside the ocean at sunset

    How Much Does a Camper Van Rental Cost?

    Camper van rentals can cost anywhere from $33 per day to upwards of $500 per day. Those rates often don’t include insurance or additional amenities you may want for your road trip. But the good news is, there are budget camper van rentals available if that’s what you’re looking for.

    A few budget-friendly camper van rental companies you’ll find on our list below include:

    • Escape Campervans
    • VanCraft
    • Lost Campers
    • Ondevan
    • Voyager Campervans

    Best US Camper Van Rental Companies

    Now here is our list of the best camper van rental companies across the US rounded up by our team of van lifers.

    GoCamp Campervans

    • Rental locations: All across the US by owner
    • Types of camper vans: All
    • Price: Varies
    Bright at airy interior of a campervan with blue cabinets and white walls
    You can find a variety of unique campervans rented on GoCamp | Photo credit: @vamonosvans

    GoCamp is a peer-to-peer camper van rental platform that enables van owners to earn extra income by renting out their camper vans and gives renters an opportunity to experience #vanlife without having to purchase a van of their own. Their fleet features only the best camper vans with a wide variety of choices—from old-school Volkswagen Vanagons to newer Mercedes-Benz Sprinters, Storyteller Overland MODE4x4 adventure vans, and much more. Their campervans are road trip ready and located across the US. You can easily search for availability by location and dates on their website.

    Moterra Campervans

    • Rental Locations: Jackson WY, Whitefish MT, San Francisco CA, Salt Lake City UT, Las Vegas NV, Seattle WA, Portland ME
    • Type of camper vans: pop-top and high-roof Sprinter camper vans
    • Price: starting at $279/night
    Pop top Sprinter camper van rental from Moterra
    One of Moterra’s pop-top Sprinter camper van rentals | Photo credit: Moterra

    Born in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, locally-owned and operated Moterra Campervans offers high-end all-inclusive Sprinter camper van rentals across the United States. Both pop-tops and high-roof Sprinters are available in their fleet – all are 3 years old or less and built out by Sportsmobile. They include everything you need for your campervan road trip as a standard and also offer fully customized itineraries for those who want to take the stress out of planning their own campervan vacation.

    Moterra’s pop-top vans accommodate 4 people with 2 double beds and have a full kitchen with an optional toilet. Their high-roof vans accommodate 2 and have a full kitchen and full bathroom complete with a hot water shower and a toilet. Rates start at $279/night and they have a 3-night minimum in the low season and a 5-night minimum in the high season.

    Escape Campervans

    • Rental Locations: Los Angeles CA, San Francisco CA, Las Vegas NV, Portland OR, Seattle WA, Salt Lake City UT, Denver CO, Phoenix AZ, Chicago IL, Orlando FL, New York NY
    • Type of camper vans: Ford camper vans and Jeeps with rooftop tents
    • Price: starting at $33/day
    A brightly painted Escape Campervan rental in front of a desert background
    The Big Sur, one of Escape Campervan’s largest rental vans | Photo credit: Escape Campervans

    Escape Campervans is one of the largest campervan rental companies in the US with locations across the US and a fleet of more than 600 campervans converted in house. Each van is unique with hand painted designs which makes for some fun photos on your trip.

    Escape Campervans offers 4 different models of converted Ford campervans, as well as a Jeep camper with a rooftop tent, that can seat and sleep anywhere from 2 to 5 people. Rates start at $33/day and they have a 3-14 day minimum depending on location, time of year, and whether you’re doing a round trip or one way camper van rental.

    All their camper van rentals include a bed, dining area, sink, refrigerator, stove, and a dual battery system with solar. Extras like bedding, camping gear, and kitchen kits are available for an additional fee.

    Escape Campervans are also available in Canada via Vancouver and Calgary.

    Outdoorsy Campervan Rentals

    • Rental Locations: All across the US by owner
    • Types of camper vans: All
    • Price: Varies
    An RV campervan driving a windy road in front of snowy mountains in the distance
    Outdoorsy offers peer to peer RV, trailer, and campervan rentals

    Outdoorsy is one of the leading peer-to-peer RV and camper van rental companies and is essentially like Airbnb but for campervan rentals. They connect RV and camper van owners with renters and their selection includes everything from vintage Airstreams, Class A, B, and C of RVs, as well as a variety of trailers and camper vans. Simply enter your location, dates, and the number of campers to see what’s available in your area.

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    Mercedes Sprinter RV Rental

    • Rental Locations: 28 locations throughout California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, and Washington
    • Types of camper vans: Luxury Sprinter camper vans
    • Price: starting at $2950/week
    Four luxury Sprinter camper vans available for rent by Mercedes Sprinter RV Rental
    Photos from Mercedes Sprinter RV Rentals

    Departing from 28 locations in the Western US, this company solely offers Mercedes Sprinter luxury camper vans for rent. All their rental vans have full bathrooms with a shower, sink, and toilet. They also come with solar power and are decked out with ovens and TVs for late-night movies. These Mercedes Sprinter RV campervans can seat up to 7 people and sleep up to 4 people. Be prepared though–all of these amenities can run you about $400-$500 a night.

    Peace Vans Rentals

    • Rental Locations: Seattle, WA
    • Types of camper vans: VW Vanagons, Mercedes Sprinters, and Mercedes Metris pop-up campers
    • Price: starting at $265/night
    Peace Van Rentals // Rent an adventure mobile from one of these camper van rental companies & choose from Sprinters, Vanagons, Ford Transits, Sportsmobiles & more!
    Photo from Peace Vans Rentals

    Based in Seattle, WA, Peace Vans Rentals offers Pacific Northwest campervan rentals, as well as limited one-way campervan rentals between Seattle, WA and Santa Cruz, CA. They rent out beautiful, classic VW Vanagons, each unique in their own way, as well as Mercedes Sprinters and Metris pop-up campers for those looking for something a bit more modern. They throw in lots of thoughtful extras like cookware, spices, wine glasses, a french press, fresh ground coffee, and more.

    Pricing starts at $265 per night with a 4-night minimum in the shoulder season and a 6-night minimum in the high season.

    Vintage Surfari Wagons

    • Rental Locations: Costa Mesa, CA
    • Types of camper vans: VW Vanagons, Eurovans, and Mercedes Metris camper vans
    • Price: starting at $135/night
    A fleet of classic Volkswagon Vanagon camper vans available for rent by Vintage Surfari Wagons
    Classic Volkswagon Vanagons available for rent | Photo credit: Vintage Surfari Wagons

    Ever dreamed of taking a vacation in a nostalgic Volkswagon camper bus? We have! Here is your opportunity to flashback to the 1970’s/80’s era with these great campervan rentals in the greater Los Angeles area. Vintage Surfari Wagons has a fleet of buses, Vanagons, and Eurovans for rent from the 1970s-2000s plus Mercedes Metris campervans for those of you looking for something a little more modern. Rates start at $135 per night and they generally have a 2-night minimum.

    Native Campervans Rentals

    • Rental Locations: Denver, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas
    • Types of camper vans: Dodge Ram Promaster camper vans
    • Price: starting at $69/night
    A Dodge Promaster rental campervan from Native Campervans with a rooftop tent being set up for camp
    Squad, a Dodge Promaster rental camper van that seats and sleeps 4 | Photo credit: Native Campervans

    We love that Native Campervans classifies their rentals as “Biggie”, “Smalls”, and “Squad”. Biggie rides 2 and sleeps 2 with all the comforts of an RV. Smalls is smaller and sportier and sits and sleeps two. And last but not least, Squad (pictured above) has room to seat AND sleep 4 along with proper DOT-approved seating to keep the kiddies (and your favorite backseat drivers) safe.

    Native Campervans include basics like bedding, camp chairs, a table, and cooking essentials. Rates start at $69 per night and they require a 3-night minimum.

    Hawaii Surf Campers Rentals

    • Rental Locations: Oahu, HI
    • Types of camper vans: VW Vanagons, Ford Econolines, and Ford Transit camper vans
    • Price: starting at $149/night
    A bright orange classic Volkswagon campervan parked on the beach in Hawaii under a palm tree available for rent via Hawaii Surf Camper Vans
    You can rent a classic VW campervan in Hawaii | Photo credit: Hawaii Surf Campers

    Hawaii Surf Campers offer a range of campervans for rent with a variety of Volkswagens to Ford Econolines and Transits that start at $149 a night. They offer airport pick-ups and drop-offs for a small fee and they provide their guests with a map of camping recommendations around the island.

    One cool perk, they partner with a local surf school where you can get discounted lessons, and you can add a surfboard to any rental for an additional fee. If you also plan to visit Kauai on your trip, read more about whether or not it’s worth renting a van there here.

    Campervan North America Rental

    • Rental Locations: Yellowstone/Bozeman, MT
    • Type of camper vans: Ford Transit, Mercedes Sprinter, Dodge Promaster
    • Price: starting at $100/night
    The back of a small rental campervan from Campervan North America with the doors open showing bench seating and a table.
    Edelweiss, one of Campervan North America’s rental vans | Photo credit: Campervan North Ameria

    Campervan North America offers 5 different camper van models to choose from, including a converted Dodge Promaster, Mercedes Sprinter, and Ford Transit. Many of their vans were purchased new and then converted so they’re peppier and have lower miles than some other options you might find.

    Their vans sleep up to 5 people depending on the model. The interiors are clean and simple; some models have kitchens and baths and some don’t. During the high season, they have a 7-night minimum and a 4-night minimum rental for the rest of the year. Rates start at $100/night although they offer discounts for rental periods longer than 15 days.

    VanCraft Sprinter Campervan Rentals

    • Rental Locations: San Diego CA, Denver CO, and Salt Lake City UT
    • Types of camper vans: Mercedes Sprinter camper vans
    • Price: starting at $59/night
    Beautiful interior of one of VanCraft's rental campervans showing wood floors and countertops, a sink, stove, bed, and more
    One of VanCraft’s rental vans | Photo credit: VanCraft

    VanCraft offers 3 models of campervans for rent: long-wheelbase Sprinters, short-wheelbase Sprinters, and Micro Campervans. All of the vans include a full-sized bed, off-grid solar power, refrigerator, fully stocked kitchen, outdoor shower, and camping basics. You can also choose from add-ons like an optional toilet, bike rack, or rooftop tent

    A major perk of this campervan rental is they are designed for all 4-season camping, so you can stay warm and cozy even in the coldest of temps. Rental rates start at under $59/day for their Micro Campervans and $135/day and up for their Sprinter models, and they have a 3-day minimum. Oh, and they also allow dogs at no extra charge!

    Boho Camper Vans Rentals

    • Rental Locations: Phoenix, AZ and San Diego, CA
    • Types of camper vans: Dodge Ram Promaster camper vans
    • Price: Starting at $209/night
    Dodge Promaster campervan from Boho campervans in setting sunlight with the door open showing beautiful wood interior
    One of Boho Camper Vans rentals | Photo credit: Boho Camper Vans

    Boho Camper Vans has a fleet of Dodge Promaster vans that they built out themselves, each designed with their unique boho flare. These camper vans are equipped with running water, an outdoor shower, stove, privacy curtains, bedding, cookware, camping chairs, and a portable cooler. Just minutes away from the Phoenix airport, you can live your boho dreams for around $209/day.

    They are also starting to offer van rentals by owner out of San Diego, CA.

    Lost Camper Van Rentals

    • Rental Locations: Los Angeles & San Francisco, CA
    • Types of Camper Vans: Ford Transits and Dodge Minivans
    • Price: starting at $39/night
    White minivan converted into a campervan with a rooftop tent available for rent through Lost Campers
    A Lost Camper budget friendly campervan rental with a rooftop tent | Photo credit: Lost Camper

    Lost Camper is all about comfort and affordability. They offer Ford Transit rentals and a variety of Dodge Minivan rentals starting at $39/day, making this a good budget camper van rental company. All their campervan rentals include unlimited miles in their daily rates, as well as bedding, kitchen kits, and basic camping equipment like a table and chairs. Most of their vans have sinks and awnings (be sure to check the specific model) and all have an inside double bed, dining table, privacy curtains, and a cooler at minimum (some have refrigerators).

    Trekker Vans Ford Transit Rentals

    • Rental Locations: San Francisco and Los Angeles, CA
    • Type of camper vans: Ford Transits
    • Price: starting at $99/night
    Trekkker Vans camper van rental set up at a forrested campground with a pop up rootop tent
    A Trekker Vans rental with a rooftop tent | Photo credit: Trekker Vans

    Trekker Vans prides itself on being a bootstrapped, locally owned and operated business. The owners are avid outdoors people, so they’re always happy to help you plan your adventure.

    All their camper van rentals are Ford Transits equipped with bedding, curtains, cookware, stove, refrigerator, sink with running water, camping chairs, and a table. The dinette transforms into a queen-size bed that sleeps 2-3 people, and if you need room for more, they’ll add on a rooftop tent. Depending on your party size, you can customize your seating to accommodate 2 or 4 people.

    Pricing starts at $99/night with a minimum of three nights. During the high season, the prices will be about twice as much. If you’re looking for a San Francisco camper van rental company right near the airport, this is a great choice.

    Ondevan Campervan Rentals

    • Rental Locations: Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Orlando, FL
    • Type of camper vans: Dodge Promaster and Ford E-350 camper vans
    • Price: starting at $59/night
    A Dodge Promaster campervan rental available through Ondevan showing the interior through the back doors with a bed and kitchen
    One of Ondevans rental camper vans | Photo credit: Ondevan

    Ondevan Campervan is another locally-owned company with locations in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Orlando, Florida. It’s named after the Spanish phrase, “¿A dónde van?”, which means “Where are you going?” because the owners love to travel like we do, and wanted the namesake to inspire others.

    Ondevan campervan rentals are fully stocked with a stove, cooler, cookware, bedding, curtains, chairs, and a table. The rental fleet has Dodge Promasters and Ford E-350s to select from. Daily rental rates start at $59 per night depending on the vehicle. Plus, they have an online road trip map made by fellow travelers with information on where to find showers and campsites.

    Basecamper Van Rentals

    • Rental Location: Salt Lake City, UT
    • Type of camper vans: Dodge Promasters and Chevy Express camper vans
    • Price: starting at $109/night
    White Dodge Promaster City campervan with a rooftop tent set up at a campsite in front of trees
    Basecamper Vans’ Ridgeline camper van | Photo credit: Basecamper Vans

    Basecamper Vans is a campervan rental company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. They’ve got several vans in their fleet including a Dodge Promaster 2500, Dodge Promaster City, and Chevy Express camper vans. Their vans sleep 2-4 with options to add on a rooftop tent. Daily rental rates start at $109/night. All their vans are set up with cookware, refrigerator, stove, bedding, and camp chairs.

    Voyager Campervans Rentals

    • Rental Locations: Minneapolis MN
    • Type of camper vans: Dodge Promaster
    • Price: starting at $59/night
    Interior of a rental campervan from Voyager Vampervans through the sliding door showing two passenger seats and a kitchen with a fridge and cabinets
    This campervan rental from Voyager seats and sleeps 4 | Photo credit: Voyager Campervans

    Voyager Campervans is based in Minneapolis Minnesota making it a great camper van rental company option for outdoor adventures in the state including to the Boundary Waters. Their Dodge Promaster City camper van rentals are compact and equipped with linens, cooking utensils, and cooking fuel. The daily rental rates start at $59 per night for a 2-person campervan rental and $159 per night for a 4-person camper van rental. They have a 2-5 day minimum depending on the season.

    Rocky Mountain Campervans Rentals

    • Rental Locations: Denver, CO and Las Vegas, NV
    • Type of camper vans: Dodge Promaster pop-top campers, VW Vanagons, and Eurovans
    • Price: starting at $145/night
    A VW Eurovan available through Rocky Mountain Campervans | Photo credit: Rocky Mountain Campervans

    Another family-owned and operated business, Rocky Mountain Campervans rents luxury conversion vans and vintage Volkswagen vans. The luxury campervan rentals are Dodge Promaster pop-top campers that sleep 5 and have a toilet and a full kitchen. If you’re looking for something with a vintage feel, they offer Volkswagen Vanagons and Eurovans for rent. These vans sleep 4 and have a stove, small refrigerator, and sink.

    All of their camper van rentals are stocked with bedding, cookware, and a number of camping accessories to make your trip more enjoyable. Some of the vehicles are 4-season ready. Daily rental rates start at $145 per night and they sometimes offer one-way specials.

    Tierra Traveler

    • Rental Locations: Bozeman and Livingston, MT
    • Type of camper vans: Mercedes Sprinter camper vans
    • Price: starting at $300/night
    Tan Sprinter camper van in a forested campground available for rent through Tierra Traveler
    A Sprinter camper van available for rent through Tierra Traveler | Photo credit: Tierra Traveler

    Tierra Traveler offers Mercedes-Benz Sprinter campervan rentals outfitted with luxury amenities for maximum comfort. With two locations in Montana, they’re perfectly positioned for exploring Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Glacier National Parks.

    Their vans have a queen size bed, Dometic fridge, are stocked with all the camping essentials, and are ready for all four seasons with a propane heater and digital thermostat. Rates start at $300 per night and they have a 3-night minimum during summer and fall.

    Vander Outdoors

    • Rental Locations:  Washington, DC and Alexandria, Virginia
    • Type of camper vans: Dodge Ram Promaster and Dodge Minivans
    • Price: starting at $99/night
    Interior view of a Vander rental campervan looking out the back doors at a desert scene
    A campervan available for rent through Vander Outdoors | Photo credit: Vander Outdoors

    Vander Outdoors, a locally owned campervan rental company in the DC area, includes a fleet of 2- and 4-passenger camper vans, all under 18 feet long for stress-free driving, easy parking, and great fuel economy over 25mpg.  All of their vans come fully equipped with a stove, sink, fridge, cookware, bedding, and basic camping gear.

    Prices start at $99 per night and they have a 2-night minimum in the low season and a 3-night minimum in the high season. These campervans are great for exploring out through the Shenandoah Valley, down the Blue Ridge Parkway, or along the Atlantic coast from Acadia National Park in Maine to the Outer Banks in North Carolina.

    Vegas Campers

    • Rental Locations: Las Vegas, NV
    • Type of camper vans: Dodge Ram camper vans
    • Price: starting at $99/night
    The side of a micro-camper from VegasCampers.com with an awning extended and 2 camp chairs set up outside
    Micro camper van available for rent through Vegas Campers | Photo credit: Vegas Campers

    Vegas Campers offers micro campers that sleep and seat up to two people that are perfect for Southwest road trips. Their vans get incredible gas mileage in comparison to larger RVs, are much easier to handle on the road, and come fully stocked with sleeping bags, linens, a stove, sink, refrigerator, couch/bed, outdoor shower, a solar powered electronics charging station, all sorts of lighting, dishes, cookware, and more.

    The team provides online instructional videos which means you don’t waste time any time on the ground… you’ll be able to “grab the keys and go” because you will already know how everything works. They have a 3-night minimum (though they allow 2 nights at the same rate as 3) and prices start at $99 per night.

    Tips for Planning a Road Trip in your Camper Van Rental

    We have tons of free resources on our site to help you plan the ultimate road trip in your rental camper van. Check out these guides to get started:

    Have you rented a campervan from any of these camper van rental companies or do you plan to? Let us know in the comments below!

    The post 21 Camper Van Rental Companies for Your US Road Trip appeared first on Bearfoot Theory.

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